Michigan Trails Supports SJR O — Critical Funding for State and Local Parks
Michigan Trails & Greenways Alliance, May 18, 2018
Old Town, Lansing, MI — The Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance would like to thank all members of the Michigan Senate who voted and passed Senate Joint Resolution O today. The resolution helps ensure the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and Michigan State Parks Endowment Fund will be used for the preservation of our state’s natural resources and the citizen’s right to access those resources in a sustainable fashion.
Michigan Trails looks forward to working with all the members of the House of Representatives who support our state park system and local parks and trails to pass this vital legislation. Passage of the legislation would put a question on the August ballot that would allow voters to approve more revenue from the Michigan State Park Endowment Fund to be directed toward building local parks and trails across Michigan. The proposal protects our state parks.
“Michiganders want to see more funding for trail work in the number one trails state,” said Bob Wilson, Executive Director of the Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance. “Under SJR O, the amount of funding available to Michigan’s State Parks from the State Parks Endowment Fund would increase yearly while also earmarking new funding for local trail work.”
“The proposal is projected to generate up to $5 million per year in new funding for local park and trail development,” explained Wilson. “We know from statewide surveys of citizens that this is what the people of Michigan want and why passage of SJR O is so important. A recent SCORP survey indicates Michiganders want to improve local recreational access and advance the trails state.”