Michigan Trails Challenge
August 28, 2020
To celebrate Michigan Trails Week and honor the trails we love, MTGA has teamed up with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to offer the Michigan Trails Week Challenge 2020!
Click on link above to register or look for it on RunSignUp.com
Are you up for the challenge? Our state is home to 13,000-plus miles of diverse, designated, state-managed trails, plus thousands of miles of local, county and federally managed trails and pathways. During Michigan Trails Week (Sept. 20-27) we’re challenging Michiganders to make every mile count by self-reporting mileage spent on nonmotorized trails.
Help us collectively travel 100,000 miles during Michigan Trails Week! Any distance counts – this free challenge is open to trail veterans and newcomers alike. Explore Michigan and report your mileage; it’s easy. Check with local outdoor recreation resource agencies to see what types of trails and accessible accommodations are near you.
Earn badges for completing miles. For each badge you earn, you will be entered in a drawing for cool outdoor gear and Michigan branded prizes!
How you earn badges:
– Register for the event and log at least 1 mile
– Horseback ride for 5 miles
– Walk, run or hike for 5 miles
– Bike for 10 miles
– Paddle for 2 miles
There is no limit to the number of badges you can earn. The more mileage you log, the more badges you earn, and that boosts your chances to win and helps us reach our 100,000-mile goal. Every mile counts!
COVID-19 trail safety. We’re counting on everyone to do their part to protect themselves and others. Please remember that face coverings must be worn outdoors (when social distancing of 6 feet isn’t possible) and also in indoor public spaces.
Beginning Sept. 20, you can start reporting your mileage by signing in and clicking on the “results” tab. Don’t worry – we will send you a reminder email.